
Google My Business

Videos and Resources to help you understand Google My Business
Add User to AccountResources & Links
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Managing your Google My Business Profile

how to

add user to gmb

If your business currently has a Google My Business page and you want Outsider Design to have access to the account watch the video below to see how to add us to your account.

Resources & Links

Google My Business logo

GMB Overview


Official Documentation

YouTube Channel


GMB Profile



Google My Business SERP

Navigate to Google My Business to log in or manage your account.

Google My Business SERP

Sign in to Google My Business.

Google My Business SERP

If you have multiple locations, open the location you’d like to manage by clicking on the location.

Google My Business SERP

In the menu on the left, click Users.

Google My Business SERP

At the top right, click Invite new users Invite new users.

Google My Business SERP

Enter the name or email address of the user you’d like to add (scott.rice.outsiderdesign@gmail.com).

Note: To add an agency to your location, you need to add the agency’s location group ID here. (You might need to reach out to the agency and ask for this ID.)

Google My Business SERP

To select the user’s role, click Choose a role and then OwnerManager, or Site manager.

Google My Business SERP

Click Invite. Invitees will have the option to accept the invitation and immediately become users

This page displays all active users and people who are invited to become users. To cancel pending invitations, click Remove in the row with the invitation you want to remove.

When an invitation is accepted, the owners of the profile are notified through email. All users in the account can find the names and email addresses of the owners and managers of the profile.

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